How About A Game.. That Plays You? ⎯ CringyAI And Moving Things #1

Taric Ov
Jun 16, 2023


This is the 1st edition of a light-weight tech-comic newsletterCringyAI and Moving Things shares thought-provoking ideas about tech and AI .. for more visit:

How about a game where you can free-talk to other NPC (non-player character) and they argue and discuss your choices/decisions in the game 🫤

So the characters (NPCs) could be for example chatgpt-based trained agents or better? **DRL models** (deep reinforcement learning) 🧐

That makes it an open-ended game where you could easily get stuck lol 👽



Taric Ov

software eng. 🎧 i build something new every week 🥷 samurai 😀 radio-ist 🎙️ ai hassler 🤖